Just Paddle
August 21, 2022 | LifeI have the hardest time starting things. Like this post, for instance. I'll just sit there and think... and think... which is funny because if you know me personally you might say something like "really, Rob? You... think too much?"
Riding waves is so much like life. I don't think I need to explain this too much - but often the hardest thing to do when surfing is paddling. Making the decision to go and then committing 100% to whatever happens.
That's the irony. I love to try things, change my mind, race around, zig and zag... you get the idea. I'm an optimizer. It's my thing.
 pondering domain names. It had to be just right so people didn't get the impression I was full of myself.
What a load of shit. I mean... I do good work! People like what I do (see above) so why shouldn't I be OK with doing more of it in a place with my name on it? I'm not a guru, I'm an explorer and hopefully that will come across in everything I do here.
Or maybe I just stop thinking about it and just do it already.
I want a place where I can stop thinking and just do things for fun. A long trek through the world of travel, software, whatever. I plan on discovering some fun stuff along the way and if you decide to join, I hope you find it valuable.
If not, that's OK too. I'll keep writing nonetheless and I can think this thing to death and sit here and tell you what my plans are but honestly I have no idea.
Big wave, might be too big, or maybe close out. Let's find out and just paddle.
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I have a problem when it comes to trying new things and learning about computer science stuff. I'm self-taught, so it's imperative I keep up with what's going on. I love sharing, so sign up and I'll send along what I've learned right to your inbox.