Just released - The Imposter's Roadmap! Go Get It

Building a Career, One Breach at a Time

In 2015 Troy Hunt left a well-paying career at one of the largest companies in the world. He created a blog and set about building a career in online security, working for himself. In 2017 he testified before the US Congress.

In 2021, Rob Conery curated 34 of Troy's best posts and suggested they create a book, with introductions and epilogues written for each post. That book is now ready to go!

Over 800 pages dedicated to one heck of a career. Available as an ebook only in PDF and EPUB (Kindle and iPad) formats.

Follow Troy's Career: $39

Great read!

Great read! Troy has the technical know-how, and is able to effectively communicate complex topics so that anyone understands them. The personal stories kept me hooked!

Mikko Hyppönnen, Global Infosec Expert and Author

Wait, let me get this straight... a book with... blog posts?

That's right! Not just any blog posts - Troy's best blog posts. In addition, Troy has added an introduction to each post, detailing his inspirations and adding a few "behind the scenes" moments that led him to write the post in the first place.

There are also epilogues for each post too - detailing what's gone on in the years between then and now.

Finally, the best comments on each post were curated as well - sometimes that's the best part of reading a blog - watching the comments light up!

This book is much more than a simple collection of posts...

Love, love, LOVE the intros - i'm only familiar with Lars in terms of his online identity and videos, but the "commendations" from Richard Campbell, and in particular Rob Conery are fantastic and really anchor an emotional aspect to the book, that i was not expecting. Great to see a book deliver this authenticity - we're all only human after all!. I "cheated" and also skipped to read Charlotte's epilogue and again was blown away by the depth and genuine nature of the emotion on display. I honestly was not expecting there to be so much heart on display, but am very glad there is.

C. Morgan

Troy’s blog posts have been essential reading for infosec professionals ... for over a decade. This book gives you a great refresher into the main data breaches he’s been involved with, along with a commentary reflecting on each one from a present-day viewpoint. An absolute must read - for me the best way is not cover-to-cover, rather initially looking at subjects of interest and then discovering all the context around those issues before moving on to read more widely

Mike Woolridge

This book gives a unique and engaging insight into the circumstances and thoughts around Troys most popular and interesting blog posts, which makes his already good blog posts even better and more fun to read (again). Highly recommended!

Stefán Jökull

A fascinating journey through the career of a true professional

If you want to know what a career in InfoSec looks like then look no further than Troy Hunt. These snippets from his life journey encompass career progression and disappointments through reinvention and breaches and the damage done by these breaches. It is a fascinating journey through the career of a true professional, who is still doing so much for the community and to educate the general populace. This is a great read for both hardened professionals and those with no technical background at all.

Jason Ozin CISO, NED, Cyber Security Advisor, Investor, CISO of the year 2021

An Amazing Career, But Not Without Bruises

It's a question that comes up repeatedly: how much of an impact does your career have on your personal life? For some, the work-life balance is straightforward. For others it can put a massive strain on relationships. Troy is extremely candid about his personal life on his blog - and he opens up even more in this book.

I haven't been able to put the book down. The added intros and epilogue on each post in particular and the retrospectives from today's perspective are particularly interesting... Captivating stuff, apart from infosec, you really feel as though you’ve been taken on a journey with Troy through the years of living in paradise a.k.a. Gold Coast, craft beer, good coffee’s, travel and jet skis. Top of my list for resources I point anyone new to the space to. Simply Outstanding read - 10/10.

Henk Brink

A famous American newsman used to call this "The rest of the story." This is the kind of insight that only comes with time, as the author can reflect and pick out important details that didn't get the coverage they deserved and these then find a life of their own. This book provides "the rest of the story" behind other stories which broke months or years ago. It gives these stories new life, and new significance.

Pat Phelan

PWNED! Troy Hunt takes us on his life journey, ups and downs, explaining how haveIbeenpwned came to be, raising awareness of the world’s poor password and online security habits... This book has it all. Plenty of tech, data breaches, career hacks, IoT, Cloud, password management, application security, and more, delivered in a fun way. This info is gold, and has improved and complemented my career in IT, and also my digital life at home too. I highly recommend this book as it explains cyber security so well, and hope you have your eureka moment and improve your cyber hygiene too.

George Ousak

How Did You Select The Posts?

This was Rob's job. Originally the plan was to select 4-6 posts in 4 different categories: building a career, the rise of Have I Been Pwned, Speaking and public stuff and finally balancing public life with private life.

So Rob spent 3 weeks poring over Troy's blog and picking out what he reckoned were the most impactful posts - the one's with the most value, honesty, and the least fluff - and then he assembled them according to a theme.

As the book came together, however, it became apparent that it read much better in chronological order, so we adjusted things, tossed some older posts out and added a bunch more in to fill out the timeline. All in all we ended up with 34 total posts!

You might thing "well I can just go and read Troy's blog then right?" and yes you can - but the combination of these posts with the introduction and epilogues absolutely transforms the experience. We wouldn't be doing this if we didn't think there's value!

Get The Book!

After years of writing, editing, and living through some hard times our book is ready to go for presale! Get it now at a discounted price.