Just released - The Imposter's Roadmap! Go Get It

The Imposter's Frontend Accelerator

It's a book. It's a video course... It's both! You get a concise, conceptual approach to modern frontend web development with Vue 3.0 and Nuxt 3.0, as well as an episodic walkthrough where we build something real!

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And it's amazing and you'll love it, I promise (and guarantee it).

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A few things to know before we get rolling.

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A Look at Vue and React

Many people want to know the difference between these projects. That's what we'll discuss in this video.

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How Vue and Nuxt Work

The basics of Vue and Nuxt

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Meet Nuxt

Let's get to know Nuxt and why it exists.

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Getting Started

We're ready to go! The introductory stuff is out the way, let's do the Walkthrough.

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Menus, Data-driven UI, Styling

We need to think about design from the very start as we'll be called for a demo at any moment. Count on it.

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Sitewide data and more menus

Plugging in Vuetify for a quick CSS win.

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Components and Wireframes

Working with components and building the home page.

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Simple CMS with Nuxt Content

Every application needs some form of content management (CMS), so let's not wait - we'll plug in Nuxt Content.

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Application state with Pinia

It's time to think about a centralized state store and working with Pinia.

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Blocking the Course Page

Adding content-specific components and page blocking.

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Molecules and Vuetify hell

Now let's move on to the tough stuff: the course page. This is where the fun really starts...

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Try That Again: Molecules

Problems are how we learna and yes, they're frustrating, but wow the experience! It's very valuable.

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Adding Videos

I took a small break and edited the first set of videos - I wanted to get an idea of pace! Now let's get to the heart of the matter: videos!

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Refactoring Pinia

It's important to avoid technical debt so we're going to make sure we're doing Pinia right. We'll also keep moving forward with our course page!

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First Pass at Styling

It's been my experience that dressing up a web app from day one can only be a good thing. People like looking at nice things - so let's do that now.

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Digging in to Vuetify Layout

I've been copy/pasting my way through Vuetify, which has worked for me over the years, but I think it's a good idea to understand the layout more.

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Authentication, Part 1

Can't show a video to just anyone, can we? Let's start down the road of adding authentication to the app.

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Authentication, Part 2

Now that we know what JWTs are, let's plug 'em in!

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Authentication, Part 3

We're finishing up the UI (I hope), ideally not getting stuck this time!

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Authentication, Part 4

Going a little slower than I wanted, but that's how it goes innit?

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Authorization, Part 1

In this episode we'll dig in to Sequelize, the Node.js ORM that will power our API.

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Authorization, Part 2

We have most of our model build out, let's plug it in.

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Hello Supabase!

Things went to hell in the last episode, let's get back on track.

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Supabase Authentication

In this video we roll our auth scheme over to Supabase

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The Full Rollover

In this video we finish rolling over to Supabase

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Meet Stripe

We need to process payments, so let's hook up Stripe

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Creating the Stripe Receiver

We need a webhook receiver so we know when people bought something!

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Deploying to Netlify

We're ready to roll - let's ship!

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Using Firebase

Let's see what it takes to roll our site to Firebase

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Testing with Playwright

I've avoided testing until now - let's fix that.