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Authorization, Part 1

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We can't escape it: we need a database! We have lots of choices but I'm going to go with what I would really do, so here we go!


How do we want to store our data and, more importantly, how should we get started?

  • Keep ignoring it and use something like json-server
  • Use a hosted system that's easy, like Supabase or Firebase
  • Roll up our sleeves and start building our models

I don't like the idea of writing code I know I'll throw away, so maybe we go with the 3rd option. Which leaves the question...

Why Not Firebase or Supabase?

Short answer: these are great choices which I'll get into later, but only if you understand:

  • They replace your entire backend and API
  • Security rules! So easy to mess up.
  • They also replace your application state, in some ways (if you go full realtime)

My User Code

I have some code ready to go that I added to the project and we'll walk through

Sequelize Snippets

I use a few snippets for VS Code and here they are:

"Sequelize TEXT": {
        "prefix": "mft",
        "body" : [
            "$0: DataTypes.TEXT,",
    "Sequelize field": {
        "prefix": "mf",
        "body" : [
            "$0: {",
            "  type: DataTypes.TEXT,",
            "  allowNull: false,",
    "Sequelize money": {
        "prefix": "mfm",
        "body" : [
            "$0: {",
            "  type: \"numeric(10,2)\",",
            "  allowNull: false,",
            "  defaultValue: 0,",
    "Sequelize Model" : {
        "prefix": "mod",
        "body" : [
            "const { Model, DataTypes } = require('sequelize');",
            "class $1 extends Model{}",
            "exports.init = function(sequelize){",
            "  $1.init({",
            "    $2: {",
            "      type: DataTypes.TEXT,",
            "      allowNull: false,",
            "      unique: true",
            "    },",
            "    }, {",
            "     sequelize,",
            "     underscored: true,",
            "     timestamps: false,",
            "     hooks : {",
            "       //https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/blob/v6/src/hooks.js#L7",
            "    }",
            "  });",
            "  return { $1 };",