Try That Again: Molecules
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We got hung up a bit on the nav bar, but the hopefully the rest of the course page will be straightforward.
Setting up links for the lessons
Our routing is in place, so let's turn on the nav!
- Adding a link
- Noting which is active
- Showing which is free
The Top Navigation
Let's fill out the top nav stuff in our v-app-bar
- Logo and collapse
- Course links
- User icon
The Lesson (video, text, commands)
- The video slide (not logged in)
- The lesson text
- Lesson command list
Yay for problems!
It's how we learn. Or... relearn in my case. I got locked up for 3 hours on this, spent a chunk of my weekend trying to figure it out. Also wrote a post about it if you're interested.
Vuetify and Nuxt are Powerful
I can be snarky, especially when I'm frustrated. That's not fair to these powerful tools!
- With great power comes great frustration, especially when things change so often
- These tools do a lot for you, sometimes it's just not obvious
- I need to be more patient
I'm Human
I am editing things out - but only to keep a good pace and also remove redundancy.
- I make ridiculous errors (spelling, omissions, etc) just like anyone
- I get distracted trying to code and speak at the same time
- I'm doing this on nights and weekends
The Solution
Vuetify was trying to be helpful as I was completely overwriting the state object, course
. This quote from someone responding to my post hit it right on the head:
Interesting read, I’m not a Vue developer but from what I can tell this boils down to essentially a value/reference type issue? You wholesale replaced the thing be monitored rather than updating the thing being monitored?
The solution was to use Object.assign
, which I'll show you...
How did I actually solve this?
I'm adding this bit after I recorded the wrapup as it might be interesting to some folks. Basically it was a process of thrashing, which means I tried all kinds of changes to see what broke and how. I did start with a step-wise process, but threw that out the window when things didn't change.
I went on a walk after a few hours and I kept coming back to the thought: "why are only two buttons duplicated?" It seemed too coincidental that they were also the ones with dynamic links (aka course.discussion
). I replaced the code with a hard-coded value and the problem went away (href='test'
That's when I knew it had something to do with state and then the sky fell in and I realized it was a problem I had solved a few times before: using Object.assign