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I've never created a transformation/import script that worked right the first time - which makes me happy! These scripts reflect your assumptions and understanding of your data and if you've goofed up, you'll know!
Here's the final, fixed script:
drop schema if exists enceladus cascade;
create schema enceladus;
set search_path='enceladus';
create table inms(
id serial primary key,
created_at timestamp not null,
date date not null generated always as (created_at::date) stored,
year int not null generated always as (date_part('year', created_at)) stored,
flyby_id int references flybys(id),
altitude numeric(9,2) not null check(altitude > 0),
source text not null check(source in('osi','csn','osnb','esm')),
mass numeric(6,3) not null check(mass >=0.125 and mass < 256),
high_sensitivity_count int not null check(high_sensitivity_count >= 0),
low_sensitivity_count int not null check(low_sensitivity_count >= 0),
imported_at timestamptz not null default now()
update inms
set flyby_id = flybys.id
from flybys
where flybys.date = inms.date;
create table chemistry(
id serial primary key,
name text not null,
formula text not null,
molecular_weight int not null,
peak int not null
copy chemistry(name, formula,molecular_weight, peak)
from '[Absolute path to]/csvs/chem_data.csv'
with delimiter ',' header csv;