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Many programmers are resistant to learning SQL, which is unfortunate! Learning this simple language can help you in so, so many ways, including:

  • Sleuthing and problem solving! You'll be the go-to person when that ORM that your project is using just can't get the job done.
  • Career Security. Let's face it, the database person on any project typically has the least to worry about when it comes to keeping their jobs. It's an incredibly important position!
  • It's just plain fun. Working with data is one of the most joyful things you can do as a developer. Just ask any DBA!

I started my career as the "go-to" data person at a large environmental company. I kind of fell backwards into it, working with Microsoft Access and then SQL Server. I learned database theory on the fly and mastered SQL quickly - a language that I still use routinely.

The Code

If you haven't, please be sure to download the code from here. It's a hefty download - right around 600Mb.